Volume designed to pay homage to the memory of the benefactor Evangelos Zappas (1800-1865), since whose death it was 150 years on 19 June 2015. The work is a collection of studies by Romanian specialists, so selected as to highlight the activity of Zappas, in its main coordinates: a) as initiator of the first modern Olympiads (held in Athens in 1859, 1870, 1875, 1888-1889); b) as supporter of the Romanian Academy (founding member of the Romanian Literary Society, 1886, which in 1867 became the Romanian Academic Society and in 1879 – the Romanian Academy; c) as philantropist.
The comprehensive bibliography attests to Romanian specialists’ steadfast interest in Evangelos Zappas, an emblematic personality of his two homelands.
In his preface, Georgios I. Dolianitis, founder and director of the Dolianitis Library in Athens, retraces the history of the Olympiads, from Rigas Velestinlis, the first to use the word in a translation from Metastasio, to Evangelos Zappas. Moreover, the author points out the support provided by Evangelos Zappas and the decisive contribution of the Olympiads he initiated to the revival of the International Olympic Games in 1896.
This edition has been published with the kind support of Mr. Georgios I. Dolianitis.
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