Omonia has issued in the autumn of 2009 the volume Dialogue with History, authored by His Excellency Georgios D. Poukamisas, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to Bucharest. The book contains a selection of his essays, as well as new texts, mostly written in Bucharest. The author dwells on significant moments in his country’s history, from Antiquity to the present, viewed always in a broader Balkan, Mediterranean, European context. As the Ambassador confesses, “these texts are the fruit of profound meditation on my country, Greece, while some of them were prompted by my love of Romania, of its lands and its people that the Greeks know well, having been born close by.” At the same time, the author, fully aware of what the Balkans mean, scrutinizes major problems of current interest in this area. In his foreword to the Romanian edition, Academician Razvan Theodorescu notes: “Ambassador Georgios D. Poukamisas honors, by his thoughts and writings, the country of profound and ancient culture that Greece is.”


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Given the current difficulties in Romania’s book market, OMONIA's ambitious programme could not be put into practice without.. [read more]


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