A few decades ago, during the communist dictatorship, Yannis Ritsos (1909-1990) was one of the Greek writers best known in Romania, much of his work being translated into Romanian. However, because of the time’s ideology, the poems translated were selected mostly on political criteria, and that determined a distorted image of his poetical profile.
Twenty years after the political changes in Eastern Europe, on the poet’s birth centennial, Omonia Publishers sets out to correct the situation with a panorama of the works of Yannis Ritsos covering, as comprehensively as possible, the span between the 1930s and the eighth decade of the 20th century. The bilingual anthology achieved by Tudor Dinu, Greek language and literature lecturer with the Bucharest University, contains seven booklets, including the masterpieces Spring Symphony, Hellenity, Moonlight Sonata, Songs of the Bitter Homeland, and Orestes (a poem Ritsos began writing in Bucharest in 1962). The selection, containing both extensive poetical works and essentialized miniatures of just a few lines, represents a very broad range of themes. The original text presented alongside the Romanian translation is meant to afford readers having some knowledge of Greek a firsthand contact with the euphony of Yannis Ritsos’ poetry.
The introductory study traces the evolution of the poet and his work from the years of school to the twilight of his life. The detailed chronology provides an image of Ritsos’ activity in the context of the agitated 20th century history.


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Given the current difficulties in Romania’s book market, OMONIA's ambitious programme could not be put into practice without.. [read more]


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