Présences grecques dans les Pays roumains (XIVe -XVIe siècles), Le témoignage des sources narrative roumaines is in its turn a reference title. It represents an exhaustive research of Romanian chronicles on the presence of Greeks in the Romanian Countries in the 14th-16th centuries. Special emphasis is given to several Greeks who a) are honored by the Romanians as saints; b) were major clerical personalities serving on the Romanian territory; c) held, in spite of their foreign origin, top positions at the princely courts of Moldavia and Wallachia. Relying on documentation covering all the narrative sources of the time as well as many diplomatic and other documents, the book casts light on the role the post-Byzantine diaspora played in the history of the two Romanian Principalities and on the complex relations between Greeks and Romanians. The volume provides an explanation for the fact that the Greek influence on the society and culture of the two Romanian countries was greater than on any other Balkan people in the Middle Ages. Written in French, the two books will be of interest to Romanian, Greek and foreign specialists alike.
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