ANDREAS N. MITSIDIS, Scurtă istorie a Bisericii din Cipru / A Brief History of the Church in Cyprus
Foreword by His Holiness HRYSOSTOMOS, Archbishop of Cyprus. Translation by Tudor TEOTEOI. 1999, 128 p., EUR 3.2
ISBN 973-99304-1-7
ELENA LAZĂR, Panorama literaturii cipriote / An Overview of Cypriot Literature
Foreword by Eleftherios PAPALEONTIOU. 1999, 288 p., EUR 4.2
ISBN 973-99304-0-9
THANASIS PETSALIS-DIOMIDIS, Clopotul Sfintei Treimi / The Holy Trinity Bell
Foreword by K. MITSAKIS.Translation by Cristina BĂCANU. 1999, 288 p., EUR 3.8
ISBN 973-96318-9-4
Prize of the Hellenic Society of Literature Translators of Athens for best translation of a Greek work into a foreign language, 2000
VASILIS VITSAXIS, Platon şi Upanişadele / Plato and the Upanishads
Translation by Elena LAZĂR. Second edition, revised. 1999, 96 p., EUR 2.3
ISBN 973-96318-8-6
KOSTAS URANIS, De la Atlantic la Marea Neagră. Note de călătorie / From the Atlantic to the Black Sea. Travel Notes
Foreword by E. N. MOSHOS. Translation by Valeriu MARDARE.1999, 256 p., EUR 3.6
ISBN 973-96318-7-8
RIGAS VELESTINLIS, Scrieri Revoluţionare / Revolutionary Writings
Foreword by D. KARAMBEROPOULOS. Translation by Cristina BĂCANU and Ion BRAD. Bilingual edition. 1999, 128 p., EUR 3.8
ISBN 973-96318-6-X
Eseul elen. Antologie / The Hellenic Essay. An Anthology
Foreword by K. ASIMAKOPOULOS. Translation by Elena LAZĂR, Cristina BĂCANU, and Valeriu MARDARE. 1998, 304 p., EUR 4.5
ISBN 973-96318-5-1
Suflet cipriot / Cypriot Soul. An Anthology of Cypriot Short Stories
Foreword by Yannis KATSOURIS. Translation by Cristina BĂCANU, Cristina CHRISTODOULOU, a.o.1997, 320 p., EUR 3.8
ISBN 973-96318-3-5
KAVAFIS, Opera în proză / The Prose
Foreword by E.N. MOSHOS. Translation and notes by Elena LAZĂR. 1995, 224 p., EUR 3.
ISBN 973-96318-2-7
Suflet elen. Antologia nuvelei greceşti / Hellenic Soul. An Anthology of Greek Short Stories
Foreword by Kostas ASIMAKOPOULOS. Translation by Elena LAZĂR and Polixenia KARAMBI. Galaţi and Bucharest, 1994, 384 p., EUR 3.2
ISBN 973-96318-1-9; 973-557-303-2
KAVAFIS, Opera poetică / The Poetic Work
Foreword by D. DASKALOPOULOS. Translation by Elena LAZĂR. 1993, 400 p., EUR 4.2
ISBN 973-96318-0-0
Prize of the Hellenic Society of Literature Translators of Athens for best translation of a Greek work into a foreign language, 1994


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