ANDREAS N. MITSIDIS, Scurtă istorie a Bisericii din Cipru / A Brief
History of the Church in Cyprus
Foreword by His Holiness HRYSOSTOMOS, Archbishop of Cyprus. Translation
by Tudor TEOTEOI. 1999, 128 p., EUR 3.2
ISBN 973-99304-1-7
ELENA LAZĂR, Panorama literaturii cipriote / An Overview of Cypriot
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ISBN 973-96318-9-4
Prize of the Hellenic Society of Literature Translators of Athens for
best translation of a Greek work into a foreign language, 2000
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ISBN 973-96318-2-7
Suflet elen. Antologia nuvelei greceşti / Hellenic Soul. An Anthology of
Greek Short Stories
Foreword by Kostas ASIMAKOPOULOS. Translation by Elena LAZĂR and
Polixenia KARAMBI. Galaţi and Bucharest, 1994, 384 p., EUR 3.2
ISBN 973-96318-1-9; 973-557-303-2
KAVAFIS, Opera poetică / The Poetic Work
Foreword by D. DASKALOPOULOS. Translation by Elena LAZĂR. 1993, 400 p.,
EUR 4.2
ISBN 973-96318-0-0
Prize of the Hellenic Society of Literature Translators of Athens for
best translation of a Greek work into a foreign language, 1994