ELENA LAZĂR, Relaţiile româno-cipriote. Mică enciclopedie /
Romanian-Cypriot Relations. Small Encyclopedia Foreword of the Author. Argument in English Bucharest, 2010, 304 p.+7 maps + 16 p. collour illustrations, € 11.5 ISBN 978-973-8319-66-0 Detalii |
CONSTANTIN IORDAN, Venizelos şi românii / Venizelos and the Romanians Second edition completed. Summary in French. Index Bucharest, 2010, 392 p., € 7.8 ISBN 978-973-8319-65-3 Detalii |
ANTIGONE KEFALA, Absenţă / Absence. Introductory study and translation by Ioana IERONIM. Foreword and an essay of the Author. Bilingual edition Romanian-English.2010, 110 p., € 4.2 ISBN 978-973-8319-63-9 Detalii |
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YANNIS RITSOS, Poetry Anthology Bilingual edition. 2009, 332 p., EUR 6 Introductory study, chronology and translation by Tudor Dinu ISBN 978-973-8319-58-5 Detalii |
ANDRONIKOS FALANGAS, Présences grecques dans les Pays roumains (XIVe
-XVIe siècles), Le témoignage des sources narrative roumaines (Greek
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ANDRONIKOS FALANGAS, Jacques Vassilikos-Despot (Despot Voda), Un Grec,
voïévode de Moldavie, A la lumière des sources narratives roumaines des
XVIe et XVIIe siècles (Jacques Vassilikos-Despot. A Greek, Ruler of
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17th Century 2009, 192 p. + 3 maps + color illustrations, 11.5 Euro ISBN 978-973-8319-56-1 Detalii |
ELENA LAZĂR, Greek Scholars in the Romanian Principalities (14th-19th
c.). A Biographical Dictionary 2009, 264 p., 9 maps, 16 pages of color illustrations, EUR 10.5 ISBN 978-973-8319-60-8 Detalii |
ARIADNA CAMARIANO-CIORAN, Relaţii româno-elene.Studii istorice şi
filologice (sec.XIV-XIX). Romanian-Greek Relations. Historical and
Philological Studies (XIV-XIX c.). Edition, introductory study, chronology and notes by Leonidas RADOS. 2008, 768 p.+8 p. with illustrations, EUR. 17.5 ISBN 978-973-8319-54-7 |
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