ELENI LADIA, Femeia cu o corabie pe creştet/ The Woman with a Ship on
Top of Her Head
Translation, prologue and notes by Claudiu SFIRSCHI-LĂUDAT. 2008, 70 p,
ISBN 978-973-8319-55-4
KAVAFIS, Poeme/Poems
Translation, introductory study and commentaries by Elena LAZĂR.
Prologue by Stefanos TAMVAKIS. Foreword by Ekaterini SOFIANOU. Bilingual
edition. 2008, 464 p., EUR. 7.5 ISBN 978-973-8319-53-0
SEBASTIAN NAZÂRU, Sfântul Theodor Studitul sau despre datoria de a
mărturisi/ Theodore the Studite or the Duty of Witnessing
2008, 216 p. , EUR 4.2
ISBN 978-973-8319-51-6
TUDOR TEOTEOI, Byzantina et Daco-Romana. Studii de istorie şi
civilizaţie bizantină şi românească medievală/ Byzantina et Daco-Romana.
Studies in Byzantine and Romanian Mediaeval History and Civilization
2008, , 424 p., EUR 6.5 ISBN 978-973-8319-50-9
MIHAI ŢIPĂU, Domnii fanarioţi în Ţările Române (1711-1821).Mică
enciclopedie/The Phanariot Rulers of the Romanian
Principalities(1711-1821). Small Encyclopaedia
Second edition, revised and supplemented. 2008.
Foreword by: Prof. Dr. Pashalis M. KITROMILIDES. 280 p.+16 p. collour
illustrations+6 maps, EUR 7.2 ISBN 978-973-8319-52-3
PAULA SCALCĂU, Hellenism in Romania. A Chronological History
Translation in English by Ileana BARBU and Daniela DOLGU. Foreword by
Georgeta FILITTI. 2007, 224 p.+300 colour and monochrome illustrations,
EUR 15 ISBN 978-973-8319-47-9
ELENA LAZĂR, Interferenţe literare româno-elene / Romanian-Hellenic
Literary Interactions
With afterword in Greek, 2007, 240 p., EUR 6.5 ISBN
FILIPPOS FILIPPOU, Ultimele zile ale lui Konstantinos Kavafis / The Last
Days of Constantine Cavafy
Translation by Elena LAZĂR. 2007, 184 p., EUR 6
ISBN 978-973-8319-42-4
Românii despre Rigas. Repere istoriografice / The Romanians about Rigas.
Historiographical Landmarks/
Introductory study (translated into Greek by Tudor DINU, with abstract),
notes and edition by Georgeta FILITTI. 2007, 464 p.+16 p. with colour
illustrations, EUR 8.5 ISBN 978-973-8319-45-5
VASILIS VITSAXIS, Mitul. Punct de referinţă al căutării existenţiale/
Myth. The Benchmark of Existential Quest
Translation by Elena LAZĂR. 2007, 240 p., EUR 6.5
ISBN 978-973-8319-44-8
Prize for the edition awarded by „Kafeneio ton Ideon” (Salamina, 2007)