YORGOS SEFERIS, Şase nopţi pe Acropole / Six Nights on the Acropolis
Translation, chronology and foreword by Claudiu SFIRSCHI-LĂUDAT Afterword by Victor IVANOVICI. 2007, 272 p., EUR 6.5
ISBN 978-973-8319-43-1
Prize of the Hellenic Society of Literature Translators of Athens for best translation of a Greek work into a foreign language, 2008
MICHEL FAIS, Autobiografia unei cărţi / Autobiography of a Book
Foreword by Sandra ECOBESCU.Translation by Elena LAZĂR. 2007, 240 p., EUR 6.5
ISBN 978-973-8319-23-3
Foreword of the author. Translation by Elena LAZĂR. Bilingual edition. 2006, 136 p., EUR 4.5
ISBN (10)973-8319-29-3; (13)978-973-8319-29-5
Prize for the edition awarded by „Kafeneio ton Ideon” (Salamina, Greece, 2006)
NIKOS THEMELIS, Pentru însoţirea noastră / For Our Companionship
Foreword by Stavroula PAPASPYROU. Translation by Elena LAZĂR. 2006, 272 p., EUR 6.5
ISBN (10) 973-8319-26-9; (13)978-973-8319-26-4


GHEORGHIOS VIZYINOS, Singura călătorie din viaţa sa. Nuvele/ A Lifetime’s Only Journey. Short Stories
Foreword and chronology by Elena LAZĂR. Translation by Elena LAZĂR, Claudiu SFIRSCHI-LĂUDAT, Margareta SFIRSCHI-LĂUDAT, Amalia ZAMBETI. 2006, 280 p., EUR 6.5
ISBN (10)973-8319-41-2; (13)978-973-8319-41-7
E. MOUTSOPOULOS, Muzica în opera lui Platon / Music in the Plato’s work
Translation and introductory study by Rodica CROITORU, 2006, 480 p., EUR. 8.5
ISBN (10) 973-8319-24-2; (13)978-973-8319-24-0


JACQUES BOUCHARD, Nicolae Mavrocordat, domn şi cărturar al Iluminismului timpuriu (1680-1730) / Nicholas Mavrocordato, Prince and Scholar of the Early Enlightenment (1680-1730)
Foreword of the author. Translation from French and Greek by Elena LAZĂR. 2006, 192 p., EUR 6.5
ISBN 973-8319-37-4


LEONIDAS RADOS (editor), Şcolile greceşti în România (1857-1905). Restituţii documentare / Greek Schools in Romania (1857-1905). Documentary Restitutions
Introductory study and edition. With abstract in Greek. 2006, 336 p.+8 p. with facsimile, EUR 8.5
ISBN (10)973-8319-40-4; (13)978-973-8319-40-0


PAULA SCALCĂU, Elenismul în România. O istorie cronologică / Hellenism in Romania. A Chronological History
Foreword by Georgeta FILITTI. 2006, 272 p.+32 p. with colour illustrations, Eur. 9.5
ISBN (10)973-8319-27-7; (13)978-973-8319-27-1



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