LEONIDAS RADOS, Sub semnul acvilei. Preocupări de bizantinistică în România până la 1918/ Under the Sign of the Eagle. Interest in Byzantinism in Romania until 1918
Foreword by Acad. Alexandru ZUB. 2005, 480 p., Eur. 7.8, ISBN 973-8319-36-6
„Gheorghe Brătianu” Prize of the Romanian Academy (Iasi Branch)


ELENA LAZĂR, Literatura neoelenă în România (1837-2005). O bibliografie / Greek Literature in Romania (1837-2005). A Bibliography
Foreword of the author. With abstract in English. 2005, 208 p., colour illustrations, EUR 9.8
ISBN 973-8319-38-2


MONICA SĂVULESCU VOUDOURI, Balkania, veşnica noastră întoarcere / Balkania, Our Eternal Return, second volume
With the Prolegomena of the author. 2005, 240 p., EUR 4.8
ISBN 973-8319-22-6
PAULA SCALCĂU, Grecii din România / The Greeks in Romania
Second edition, revised and supplemented.
Foreword by Georgeta FILITTI. Epilogue by Aris GOGOS. With abstract in English. 2005, 408 p.+24 p. with colour illustrations, EUR 9.8
ISBN 973-8319-21-8
Prize of the „Magazin Istoric” journal (2006)


E. MOUTSOPOULOS, Valorile / The Values
Foreword by Christos DEDES. Translation by Claudiu SFIRSCHI-LĂUDAT. 2005, 120 p., EUR 3.2
ISBN 973-8319-20-X
E. MOUTSOPOULOS, Plăcerile / The Pleasures
Foreword of the author for the Romanian edition. Translation by Claudiu SFIRSCHI-LĂUDAT. 2005, 136 p., EUR 3.2
ISBN 973-8319-39-0
TASOS ATHANASIADIS, Dostoievski în drumul de la ocnă la pasiune/ Dostoievsky on His Way from the Saltworks to Passion
Foreword by Tilemahos ALAVERAS. Translation by Dorina CHISĂLIŢĂ. 2005, 400 p., EUR 6.5
ISBN 973-85377-5-4
Foreword of the author. Translation by Elena LAZĂR. Bilingual edition. 2005, 96 p., EUR 3.2
ISBN 973-85377-9-7
PASHALIS M. KITROMILIDES, Iluminismul neoelen. Ideile politice şi sociale /Greek Enlightenment. Political and Social Ideas
Foreword by Acad. Răzvan THEODORESCU. Translation by Olga CICANCI. 2005, 480 p. + 8 p. illustrations, EUR 7.8
ISBN 973-85377-3-8


MARIA MARINESCU-HIMU, Dialoguri culturale româno-greceşti. Studii / Romanian-Greek Cultural Dialogue. Studies
Foreword and edition by Marina MARINESCU. 2004, 168 p.+16 p. illustrations, EUR 4.2
ISBN 973-85377-8-9


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