LEONIDAS RADOS, Sub semnul acvilei. Preocupări de bizantinistică în
România până la 1918/ Under the Sign of the Eagle. Interest in
Byzantinism in Romania until 1918
Foreword by Acad. Alexandru ZUB. 2005, 480 p., Eur. 7.8, ISBN
973-8319-36-6 „Gheorghe Brătianu” Prize of the Romanian Academy
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MONICA SĂVULESCU VOUDOURI, Balkania, veşnica noastră întoarcere /
Balkania, Our Eternal Return, second volume
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Foreword by Georgeta FILITTI. Epilogue by Aris GOGOS. With abstract in
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E. MOUTSOPOULOS, Valorile / The Values
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ISBN 973-85377-5-4
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