DIMOSTHENIS KOURTOVIK, Nostalgia demonilor / The Nostalgia of Demons
Foreword of the author. Τranslation by Elena LAZĂR.2001, 312 p., EUR 4.6 ISBN 973-8319-03-X
TAKIS HATZIAGNOSTOU, Insula călătoare / The Roving Island
Foreword by Mitsos N. TSIAMIS. Translation by Elena LAZĂR and Mihai ŢIPĂU. 2001, 376 p., EUR 4.6 Second edition. 2002, 376 p., EUR 4.6
ISBN 973-8319-02-1; ISBN 973-8319-07-2
M. KARAGATSIS, Marea Himeră / The Great Chimera
Translation by Maria MARINESCU-HIMU and Marina MARINESCU. 2001, 344 p., EUR 4.6
ΙSBΝ 973-8319-01-3
Translation and foreword by Elena LAZĂR. 2001, 232 p., EUR 3.8
ISBN 973-8319-00-5
KOSTIS PALAMAS, Opere alese / Selected Works
Foreword by E. N. MOSHOS. Translation by Valeriu MARDARE and Elena LAZĂR. 2001, 232 p., EUR 3.8
ISBN 973-99304-9-2
K.P. KAVAFIS, Opere Complete / Complete Works
Edition, translation and commentaries by Elena LAZĂR. Foreword by Dimitris DASKALOPOULOS. Introductory study by Miguel Castillo DIDIER. Epilogue by Nasos VAYENAS. Afterword by Dan GRIGORESCU. 2 vols., 2001, 474 p.+414 p. EUR 11
ΙSBN 973-99304-7-6, 973-99304-8-4


ELENA LAZĂR, Panorama literaturii neoelene / An Overview of Neo-Hellenic Literature
Foreword by K. MITSAKIS. 2001, 624 p., EUR 6.3
ISBN 973-99304-4-1


NASOS VAYENAS, Ode Barbare / Barbarians Odes
Foreword and translation by Valeriu MARDARE. Bilingual edition. 2001, 80 p., EUR 3.2
ISBN 973-99304-5-x
VASILIS VITSAXIS, Poetica / Poetics
Foreword by P. D. MASTRODIMITRIS. Translation by Elena LAZĂR. 2000, 416 p., EUR 4.8
ISBN 973-99304-3-3
TASOS ROUSSOS, Manuscrisele lui Manuel Salinas. Scara lui Iacob / Manuel Salinas’ Manuscripts. Jacob’s Ladder
Foreword by Dimitris TSATSOULIS. Translation by Dorina CHISĂLIŢĂ. 2000, 128 p., EUR 3.2
ISBN 973-99304-2-5


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